Monday, August 27, 2007

Step off...

Don stepped on the wrong guy's treadmill this morning. While Gary was cranking through his pushups and crunches, Don jumped on his idle treadmill. Bad move.

At first, Gary casually made a comment about the treadmill swipe. Almost jokingly, he said, "Pitty a fool that steal my treadmill," but before long, he was racing through his strides huffing under his breath, "Step off, bitch!" After warmup, Gary lingered in the shadows of the stairway to settle his score with Holececk; however, Don's "broken watch" paid off this day. Because, apparently, while in wait, Gary fell victim to one of his own noxiuos emissions leading to his temporary loss of consciousness.

After narrowly surviving the impeachment vote, Gary has to stay on his best behavior, but that did not stop him from making the challenge heard half way around the gym: "Locker room after boot camp." Don, however, did not hear the challenge because after fixing his "broken watch" he left the workout fifteen minutes early.

Rumor has it that Gary is going to challenge Holececk again on Wednesday, "Parking lot, 7:00."

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