Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kenny Returns to Bootcamp - 100% January Attendance To-Date

Kenny has returned to the CCC MWF 6am BOOTCAMP after an extended absence. Initially it was reported on this blog that Kenny had been diagnosed with Male Yeast Infection (MYI). However, last night the AP WIRE reported the following:

In November and December of 2009 Kenny was being treated for sex addiction at a posh clinic down South, a journalist and author of a book on the affliction said yesterday.

Benoit Denizet-Lewis, a recovering sex addict, said a source with knowledge of the meat magnate’s treatment has confirmed Kenny was at Pine Grove Behavioral Health & Addiction Services in Hattiesburg, Miss.

Among Kenny’s first lessons, Denizet-Lewis said, was that the oft-questioned addiction to sex is very real.

"We mock or it we say it's not a real addiction," said the journalist, who regularly contributes to the New York Times magazine. "But it's very much the real deal."

The world's No. 1 meat magnate did not have an easy time of it as he tried to conquer the demons that led him to repeatedly cheat on his stunning wife with multiple women, Denizet-Lewis said. "He was not allowed to go and work-out with his buddies or cut meat in the morning during treatment," said Denizet-Lewis, author of "America Anonymous: Eight Addicts in Search of a Life," and his new book, "American Voyeur."

"He did like everyone else - got up early, ate the same food and went through the same emotions. ... It was really an intense experience," he said.
Denizet-Lewis, who chronicles people grappling with addiction, said Kenny felt intense shame at first.

Patients sign a "celibacy contract" that bans all sexual contact - including masturbation - while in treatment. Also included in the pricy program are 12-step meetings, arts-therapy sessions and brutal honesty.

"People tend to come in and be pretty freaked out," Denizet-Lewis said. "You arrive, and suddenly it hits you, 'My God, I'm going to rehab for sex addiction.' "
Despite widespread skepticism about rehab for sex addicts, Denizet-Lewis said the addiction is no less crippling than a bout with booze or drugs.

"You can put down a drink or a drug and not have to see it for a while," he said. "But you can't go anywhere without your genitalia or your brain - those are attached to you, even if they are small like Kenny’s”

The woodsy, fenced-in Mississippi clinic, which would not confirm Kenny's visit, is considered among the best at setting sex addicts straight, Denizet-Lewis said.
He added that no one should hold onto the "glib perception" that entering rehab for sex addiction is akin to landing a prize invite to an orgy.

"Trust me, you're not going to score a lot in sex rehab," he said.

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