Friday, July 2, 2010


The members and staff of the Advanced Workout Group would like to take a moment to wish John Felton good luck in this weekend’s Big Splash Contest being held Sunday July 4, 2010 at Cherokee Country Club pool. As one of the newest members of the Advanced Workout Group, John has been training extremely hard over the past few weeks for this upcoming competition, with good reason. Like other familiar dynasties that have great championship runs (UCLA, Yankees, Bulls, et. al), John is aware of the value of hard work in retaining his championship title year after year. The recent training overseen by his personal coach Bryan Rodriguez including box jumps and impressive sets of mountain climbers will certainly add to both John’s spring height and form off the board this year. With 15 consecutive Big Splash Contest wins under his swimsuit, John once again enters the 2010 contest as the odds on favorite. With his unbeatable combination of bulk, springing ability, and technique, he is a true artist when delivering his patented “Felton Can opener” to the delight of both young and old in the audience at the pool. Much like Augusta National tried to tame Tiger by redoing the golf course; it appears that Cherokee is trying to interject some competetion into this year’s Big Splash contest by locking down the diving board adjustment, which will force John to work with a much springier diving board this year. John’s dedication to the event was evident this morning as he opted out of his usual 6 a.m. Friday morning workout to save his energy to ensure he is at the peak of his springing ability on Sunday. Good luck John. We look forward to seeing a 16th consecutive championship 6 pack of beer get awarded to you on Sunday.

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