Monday, May 14, 2007

Boot Camp Beating

This morning the beatings began. Under duress and coercion we set aside the miller lites and made our way to the gym for the self-inflicted agony of boot camp.

When Greg first "recruited" me the idea was that the boot camps would be at 6:00 PM. When he finalized the plans, he, in fact, slipped in the AM part of the deal. 5:00 am was a brutal reminder of my stupidity, but I had committed.

"Boot camp" kicked off with a smooth ride on the stationary bikes. Our "drill sargents" reflected the softer, kinder side of the military. We then moved to some floor exercises, which consisted of lunges, wall chairs, bench presses, and other fun and humiliating exercises. The sad part is that none of these exercises would have been hard 15 years ago, but today they are nearly KILLED me.

We ran a few laps and I thought we were going to hit the showers after the rotating exercises, but then the instructors guided us to the converted racquetball court. Converted into what you may ask--Death Chamber. They made the room look nice with colorful patterned carpet, but it was all a rouse. They lined us up on our backs like seven turtles flipped on their shells squirming. As dreaded death came in the form of various abdominal exercises, we squirmed, moaned, and ultimately laid their crying.

Now, we just play the waiting game. Come, sweet pain, come. Then, in two days it all starts again.

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